I want to thank you for sharing your story on You Tube! I stumbled upon it while searching for a new page of another LuLaRoe group today.It really touched my heart and I was crying right along with you. What a wonderful opportunity to have a LuLaRoe style named after your daughter. Her memory lives on in your family and will now continue on with the company. My heart goes out to you and your family. Nobody should have to endure the loss of a child at such a young age or ever. Their was one part of your story really struck my heart very deeply! It was about the autistic boy that Emma sat with at lunch. My husband and I will celebrate our 29th wedding anniversary next month. It took us 13 years to be blessed with our only son. He is autistic and has recently been diagnosed with cerebral palsy. He graduated high school last year and will celebrate his 20th birthday in October. I worked all my life since high school and became disabled in 2009. I have been a stay at home mom ever since and able with our son fulltime. It was people like your daughter that made a difference in his life during his school years! I too remember seeing my son sitting at a lunchroom table eating alone because he was different and it broke my heart. I spoke to the school staff to make them aware of the situation. I asked that they at least make sure that he sat will the other children in his special education classes so he wouldn’t be alone. Soon after that he started going to other tables interacting with other children that he knew in his school. I wanted to share a little bit of our story and let you know that you made a difference in my life today! I was introduced to LLR in February during the Valentine’s day leggings sale. I always put my sons needs first for clothing since he was a growing boy. I hadn’t bought clothes for myself for many years unless absolutely necessary. I’m a plus size woman and didn’t feel pretty in my clothes. Then I found LLR! I started to buy pieces to mix and match and build my wardrobe. I’m not able to fit in all the styles but found the ones that work for me. The clothes make me feel beautiful and happy again! I’m not able to get out of the house much do to our sons mobility challenges. When I do go out and roe my LuLa it makes me smile inside and out! Have a blessed day!
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