Was at Applebee's on Emma bday and wanted to do an Act of Kindness for Emma, so noticed a man wearing a cap saying Marines so asked waitress to bring me his check and paid for his and his wife's meal. I went over to him, shook his hand and thanked him for his service, and handed him Emma's card and continue reading...
Kindness and love for my venezuelans people
Today, just a few minutes ago, I came back from HEB with some ingredients I needed to prepare some desserts to sell to family and friends so, i can gather money and buy food to send to my Country "Venezuela". Once with the cashier, I realized that i didn't have my card with me; I asked her to keep continue reading...
A Child get a new Heart in memory of Emma.
There are many charity organizations doing great work in China - one of our favorites is Heart to Heart Shanghai because all the funds go directly to the kids in need. Heart to Heart raises funds to help indigent children receive life saving heart surgery. This year for Emma's 17th birthday we continue reading...
Senior HEB
I happened upon the rayford HEB. I don't live near there and I had just been to kroger, but I just wanted to check out their produce. After a walking through the store, getting zero produce and spending far too much. I ended up in line, not the line I was told to go in... REBEL. There was an old continue reading...
Helping woman in need
Your family was doing a charity event with your leggings. I got with Karen Sellers and she shipped me leggings and I added some of my leggings . I also have three massive bags of woman's clothing . They will be going to a church to help there woman's program . This is a amazing feeling to give back continue reading...
Secret Supplies
There's a girl I grew up with- she was the kind of person who makes me think alot of your Emma. Always doing and sticking up for others. She is a single mom of 2 beautiful little girls(Hannah and Emma). Her dad recently passed away suddenly. I wanted to do something for her because I knew her (& continue reading...
Birthday blessing
I'm a cashier at a local wal-mart, while ringing up a woman today she casually mentioned to me it was her birthday. I wished her happy birthday and continued to chat with her while I finished ringing her up when I and gave her the total which was over $70. A young lady who was behind her who had continue reading...
My daughter had just learned of her lymphoma about the time she discovered emma's Lula. Comfortable clothes and they'd payed it forward with gold legging so I gave to someone and they also sent my daughter free dress to help keep her comfy during her treatments. We have paid it forward for her. I'm continue reading...
When in doubt try kindness
Having just watched the story about Emma posted from the experience at vision I wanted to share today. I too am moved to random acts. I think some of us hear that quiet call to service and I always do. Today in line to buy my kids good ole McDonald I notice the woman behind me. But she has a frown continue reading...
How children like Emma changed my sons life!
I want to thank you for sharing your story on You Tube! I stumbled upon it while searching for a new page of another LuLaRoe group today.It really touched my heart and I was crying right along with you. What a wonderful opportunity to have a LuLaRoe style named after your daughter. Her memory lives continue reading...