I happened upon the rayford HEB. I don’t live near there and I had just been to kroger, but I just wanted to check out their produce. After a walking through the store, getting zero produce and spending far too much. I ended up in line, not the line I was told to go in… REBEL. There was an old lady in front of me checking out. While waiting, I noticed that as she was paying with gift cards. The gift cards were being denied. She told the cashier she got them at the senior center and they should work. Manager was called, and still no help, the gift cards didn’t work. The woman was told her total. $24.72. She had $15 in her hand since she had $10 in gift cards. She had tried to use every cent. I saw the panic in her face. I thought of Emma. As she was digging through her purse, so flustered and seemingly scared she’d have to put things back. I quietly handed my card to the cashier & got out an Emma card. When she turned around with crumpled dollar bills, she was handed her receipt with the Emma card.
She was shocked. “Why?” She exclaimed shockingly. I said, “there was a sweet 15 year old girl named Emma that died too young, read the card, God bless” Her eyes welled up with tears. Her gratitude overflowed. She humbly thanked us & began to cry.
Thank you for this sweet experience to love beyond my little box.
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