Note of explanation: We have been talking to our kids a lot about this site and how they can honor their beautiful cousin. We have challenged them to look for small acts of service that they can do everyday – things that they normally wouldn’t see or be too scared to do (within safety limits). This is Abby’s story but I’m typing it as her mom as she tells me about it.
I was at the rock show with my family and we went to Which Which for lunch. We were outside eating but I didn’t like my sandwich because it was so sticky and there was peanut butter so I started playing on the bench next to the table. A lady sat down. She looked old with a pink scarf around her head and a backpack that said ‘Made With Love’. She had cups in her hand and was watching me play. My mom came and sat with me and talked to her. She was mad because the drinking fountain didn’t work and she filled her cups with the drinking fountain. My mom asked if she could get her anything. She said she just really wanted a Coke so we went into Which Which and I got to give her the Coke.
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